A typical day of Heliskiing at Whistler Heli Skiing.

But a special day for me as it was the first day back after the fast.

Making a video like this has been on my list for nearly 20 years.

Back then I had the idea of making videos and having a series called “A day in the life of …” And document a bunch of outdoor jobs.

One thought on “A typical day of Heliskiing at Whistler Heli Skiing.”

  1. Dear brother Rich, Great video and editing. I miss you all and Spearhead. I was teaching AST1 in BBB Saturday if this video was from Saturday heli skiing I might have heard heli flying. Did you struggle with vis some points?

    I watched your all fasting videos and the update. With my lack of vocabulary, it’s beyond speechless and comment what you are going through.
    But I’m very grateful witnessing your ever strong faith.
    Your growing faith is amazing Rich. It’s great that you memorize and practice repeating the encouraging bible verses.

    Great is Thy Faithfulness!

    Job 33:4, NIV: The Spirit of God has made me; the breath of the Almighty gives me life.

    John 14:27, NIV: Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

    God bless

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