Guided Descent of Fitzimmons N. Face 20th Anniversary

Yes it was twenty years ago that the late Trevor Peterson and Eric Pehota skied the North Face Of Mt. Fitzimmons. And a couple days later Jia Condon and I did the second descent following the first descent of Mt Iago North West Face.
For Years the N Face of Fitzimmons has been on Jason Lee’s hit list. Two previous attempts preceded our attempt on Feb 2. We stayed in the Himmelsbach hut at Russet lake with a couple of ‘boarders from Quebec. When we asked them what they were up to they replied that they had “taken a look at N Face Fitz” and were slightly overwhelmed by it and decided to take a look at a line on Fissile instead. They mentioned that they could see tracks on Iago but none on Fitzimmons. That obviously excited us an extra amount of determination to see the face. Before dawn on Feb 2 we skinned up away from the hut with a few clouds about and temperatures at -3c. The clouds grew grey and ominous as we approached the Overlord bypass. In and out of cloud we traversed around Overlord and Benviolo. We bootpacked up the south coulior of Fitzimmons and made the notch at 10:45. Total white out and strong southerly winds had us hunkered down on the high N Face waiting for a clearing….
Around 11:30 the clouds parted, the light became clear and we could easily navigate the downward traverse to the top of the face proper. John Baldwin calls it “380m of 45-50deg”. Pretty intimidating, but after our last outing on the Central Coulior of Joffre it looked really manageable.

Pemberton Young Life goes Alpine

Dave Treadway of Pemberton Young Life organized a three day ski touring trip to Cerise Creek in Feb 2010. School was out for the olympics. Time for some higher education with Rich.

Short break on the Vantage-Mattier Col

Breaking trail up the Joffre ridge


Full cabin, but warm and dry, good for lounging

Pemberton Young Life goes Alpine

Dave Treadway of Pemberton Young Life organized a three day ski touring trip to Cerise Creek in Feb 2010. School was out for the olympics. Time for some higher education with Rich.

Short break on the Vantage-Mattier Col

Breaking trail up the Joffre ridge


Full cabin, but warm and dry, good for lounging

Sucess on Canada’s Highest Summit, Mt Logan 5958m

In May of 2009 I led an expedition for Canada West Mountain School to Mt. Logan. We had a very patient crew who kept up their spirits for around 12 days until the weather cleared enough to let us fly onto the Quintino Sella glacier at an elevation of over 2000m.

The following videos are from Thomas. See also:



Joffre Central Couloir

Just over a week after the super fun descent of Twin One Couloir Jason was up north for another day on the steeps. The stability was still good and over the last week we had 1 – 2 cm per day. Just perfect I thought for an attempt on the Joffre Central Couloir. After a predawn start from Mount Currie we set up the Duffy for the Cerise Creek trailhead. As forecast the sky remained mostly cloudy for the day which is what I was hoping for. As the temperature was warm we needed the cloud cover to keep the looming cornices and mushrooms strong and cool.

The couloir was very firm in the center and it was a good idea to have the crampons for the entire climb. The descent was very tricky at the top due to the the concave shape of the upper couloir.  After the exposed rock in the upper section the snow became better for the rest of the descent (well except for the center runnel)

Skinning up the Joffre glacier morraine.

rich climbing just above the chimney

beautiful granite of the couloir

jay at the changeover

jay slipping down through the crux section near the top

getting wider and the snow betterits still pretty steep!

crazy rock of the central pillar

yup just more of the same

A Guided Descent Of Mt Matier Twin One Couloir

With a 6 am start from the community of Mt Currie, Vancouver resident Jason Lee and I headed up the Duffy Lake road to the Cerise Creek trail head. The weather for the day was as  forecast, a mix of sun and cloud and the temperatures just below freezing. With a little north breeze we skinned through the beautiful forest, bypassed the cabin and climbed through the Vantage/Matier Col. We were greeted by a spectacular view of the Twin One drainage. The Twin One couloir is on a sub-peak of Mt Matier. Facing North East the couloir is opposite and more “famous” ski descent off the 2770m summit, the NW Face. To my astonishment I witnessed a group of four in this distant valley.  I was puzzled as to where they would be going as most people in the Cerise Creek area stick to the comfort and safety of the hut tree and glades. Soon I realized they seemed to be going in same direction a Jason and I. I called over and as we set a skin track through the crevasses of lower glacier found that the four Pemberton hardcore skiers were actually heading to the same place. Unbelievably we saw another party of two heading up the Twin One glacier to the NW Face.

Rich approaching the Twin One Couloir

Jason Lee on the "stairmaster"

Jason up high with the beautiful valley cloud flowing through.

Jason at the top of the climb.

The work is over. Let the fun begin!

As high as we could go.

The snow was a perfect mix of security and enjoyment.

Jason skiing the mid-section


Enter the World of Adventure

Wow, what a winter! Whistler has had a huge amount of snow this year, over 400cm (177inches), and now the sky had cleared and the alpine is ready. The big north faces like Mattier, Iago,Fitsimmons and Wedge are in great shape.

This Saturday I am heading to McGillvary Pass and the backcountry lodge see: