Sucess on Canada’s Highest Summit, Mt Logan 5958m

In May of 2009 I led an expedition for Canada West Mountain School to Mt. Logan. We had a very patient crew who kept up their spirits for around 12 days until the weather cleared enough to let us fly onto the Quintino Sella glacier at an elevation of over 2000m.

The following videos are from Thomas. See also:



Mount Logan 2004

In May and June of 2004 I led an expedition for Canada West Mountain School  to Mt Logan’s Kings Trench route. With two clients from Colorado we spent over three weeks enjoying some of the planets greatest scenery. Along with the astounding views we also got to witness some cold temps and some strong winds.

Andy Williams...

Some soup at base camp.


Amazing clouds over tent

King Col and icefall

Rich on a clear but icy day

On the plateau

Our white day!

The crevasses get bigger each year.
The crevasses get bigger each year.

Seracs above King Col

The High point.
Our high point 5700m

Mt.Logan King Trench 1992

When I was invited on an expedition to Mt Logan with the late Trevor Peterson, the late Steve Smarige, and Eric Pehota it was “trip of a lifetime” I felt like I had established myself as a ski mountaineer who was ready for the world. The trip was an eye opener in the sense of seeing how truly large the St Elias mountains really are. Of course looking back on the trip after 23 years I can see that my experience had just begun.

Trevor Peterson, Steve Smardige and me on the right

From Whistler a thirty or so hour drive brought us to Kluane Lake in the Yukon. On the dusty airstrip we packed our food and equipment for the flight to base camp.


Stevie enjoying a “Drum” at base camp.