Joffre Central Couloir

Just over a week after the super fun descent of Twin One Couloir Jason was up north for another day on the steeps. The stability was still good and over the last week we had 1 – 2 cm per day. Just perfect I thought for an attempt on the Joffre Central Couloir. After a predawn start from Mount Currie we set up the Duffy for the Cerise Creek trailhead. As forecast the sky remained mostly cloudy for the day which is what I was hoping for. As the temperature was warm we needed the cloud cover to keep the looming cornices and mushrooms strong and cool.

The couloir was very firm in the center and it was a good idea to have the crampons for the entire climb. The descent was very tricky at the top due to the the concave shape of the upper couloir.  After the exposed rock in the upper section the snow became better for the rest of the descent (well except for the center runnel)

Skinning up the Joffre glacier morraine.
rich climbing just above the chimney
beautiful granite of the couloir
jay at the changeover
jay slipping down through the crux section near the top
getting wider and the snow betterits still pretty steep!
crazy rock of the central pillar
yup just more of the same