Fasting Day 4

Transform Your Mind

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Romans 12:2

6 thoughts on “Fasting Day 4”

  1. Five days is pretty long. Not sure how I’d go. I’ve read plenty of war histories with guys going many days with nothing but also at peak adrenaline and mental and physical stress of war plus of course sleeping outside too. Humans can withstand an awful lot when we’re pushed. Seems almost harder to do voluntarily.

    1. Hi Luke. 5 days is not that long when you get to reading the history of fasting, Jesus as an example and many many have done that. The record is 382 days albeit the guy was 450 pounds at the start. And yes its better to keep busy, otherwise you just think about how hungry you are. But really its not that bad im just a few hours from finishing and Im going to make veggie stock. So to be around the smell and sight of foods is tempting but not super bad.

  2. Hey Rich
    Hope this helps you. I have a few friends that do intermittent fasting consistently. I think your positive attitude is amazing and hope keeps us going through many things. Us humans are very adaptable.
    Think about you guys all the time. Hi to Heather, Naomi and Anna.

    1. Hi Karen, yes my attitude is one thing I can control. You too. Keep it up. We miss you and think of you as well. I will pass along the greetings.

  3. I’m so thankful that your Mom gave me this link ♥️ The McLurg -Murphy family are rooting for you and the inverary United church congregation is praying with you 🙏

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