Fun Times in the Basement

Is it every boys dream to have a drum set? It was mine. Growing up I don’t even remember bringing it up. I somehow felt it would not be welcome. It was never really a thing I seriously wanted, but on the other hand every time I walked by a set of drums I wanted to sit down and bang away. I have no real music talent although as a child I took piano and organ lessons and in high school we had a music class and I even joined the band where we took a trip to New York City to take in the music and acting scene. That was my music highlight. The thing that happens nearly every week for me though is church in Pemberton where we get to sing aloud and exercise the lungs. Just because I’m often late does not mean that I am trying to avoid singing its just that I can tell time that well. I really do enjoy singing and music. I love having music playing in the background and I am ok paying for a Sirius satellite subscription as well as a paid Spotify account. Something I have been know to say is that the world is going downhill because of the specialization of everything. Need to learn? Go to school. Are you sick? Go to the doctor. Car has a flat or needs an oil change? Take it to the mechanic. Hungry? Open a box or get take away. I think this is all bad news. We should learn to do new things, to repair things and yes even make our own music. People will laugh at things i’ve built and me I am sure they will laugh at my music, and that’s ok laughing and smiling are healthy.

So one Sunday in December at church I was thinking the music and singing were a bit too quiet and I noticed that there was a drum kit in the corner, alone and sad. For some reason I declared aloud that I was going to learn to play and take on the role of the beat maker. I asked around and I was able to borrow a drum kit to put in my very own house. But I didn’t rush into it, we are trying to clear out our junk (stuff we wanted once but now don’t) including a little climbing wall that was in the place I imagined the drums. I eventually cleared out the spot and after checking with Heather multiple times that she was ok with the plan I picked up the drums. As she is away this weekend I thought this might be a good time to make some noise.

Now as I come to the end of my dinner (chewing well you know) I will return to the throne and make a racket that will ensure the cats are happy to be outside. Ive heard if you drum hard enough you can have a real workout and get the sweat pores open.

Dear Clark, Glen and Dylan, my nearest neighbours, we are all happy that we are not living in attached housing.

Rock on!
