CT Scan Results


Within the chest, there has been interval development of a small subplural nodule located laterally at the right lung base in the region of the costophrenic angle. This measures around 1.5cm in size. It was not present previously. This could represent a small metastatic nodule or even potentially a nodular focus of atelectasis . A small perifissural nodule in the superior segment of the right lower lobe is unchanged. Another tiny sub plural nodule located posteriorly in the right lower lobe is also unchanged. No other lung nodules are seen. No plural effusions. The mediastinal structures remain normal. A small left axillary node seen previously is even less conspicuous today.

No sinister skeletal lesions within the chest.

Within the abdomen pelvis, couple of tiny hypo densities within the right lobe of the liver, located superiorly and inferiorly, are unchanged. These both correspond to sites of previous metastases. No recurrence of abdominal lymphadenopathy seen back in August of 2020. Small calcified gallbladder stone again seen. No free fluid. No sinister skeletal lesions.

In summary, the only concerning finding is the new small nodule located laterally at the right lung base as described above, of uncertain significance however.