Colon Cancer Timeline

2019February Noticed frequent bowel movements.

Mid March Noticed a swollen lymph node in armpit when showering.

Stopped drinking alcohol.

March 28 2019 1st doctors appointment. Had blood taken, stool sample and he booked an ultrasound.

2019 March 30-April 3 Did a 5 day ski traverse and lost 8-10 pounds

2019 April 4 Met with Dr Cham, naturopathic doctor and explained my symptoms. Dr. did allergy test and suggested eating a more plain diet.

2019 April 7 Prayed with the elders and received a laying on of hands.

2019 April 15 Ultrasound around left armpit/shoulder. 

2019April 16 Got results from ultrasound, two abnormal masses one with marked blood flow. He suggested a biopsy and a CT scan.

2019 April 18 Ct scan.

2019April 21 Although a Sunday, went to the emergency to get the results from the CT. 

Findings: Several enlarged left axillary lymph nodes, a “few” prominent infraclavicular lymph nodes. “Several” enlarged mediastinal lymph nodes. “At least” three hypo enhancing masses in segment 8 liver. “Two additional” hypo enhancing masses in segment 6. Suspected bowel wall thickening involving a short segment of the sigmoid colon.

2019 April 24 Met surgeon #1, he suspected lymphoma and wanted to do a biopsy of a lymph node and he ordered a colonoscopy. 

2019 April 26 Met with Nicolette Richer who introduced us to the Gerson Therapy.

Had the colonoscopy.

2019 April 27 Began Gerson full therapy, used incomplete supplements that were gifted by a friend. Enemas were weak as I couldn’t get much volume in due to the near blocked colon.

2019April 30 lymph node biopsy.  Afterwards we got the results from the lab the lymph biopsy and from the colon biopsy. Dr announced that it was very bad colon cancer that had metastasized a that I was a “very sick man” and that I had “weeks to months to live” 

2019 May 1 Went to the Healing Room for prayer.

2019 May 9 Met with the oncologist, explained his treatment plan, surgery then chemo. He gave me 1-3 years

2019 May 14 Met with Dr Parmar, naturopathic Dr. He told me a plan involving a plant based diet(including some meat), supplements, injection of mistletoe, Vitamin C IV and Loco-regional hyperthermia. And said he would offer to triple my expectancy to 10 years, and said I should also do surgery and chemo.

2019 May 15 Met surgeon #1 again to sign and organize for colon surgery. Met via video chat, Dr Alexander a Gerson practitioner who eventually gave me a Gerson plan which roughly is 100% organic plant based (including some meat). She had me stop the enemas immediately and go down to 7 juices per day.

2019 May 16 Stopped eating and did the bowel prep.

2019 May 17 Checked into Lions Gate hospital to wait for an opening in the operating room. 

2019 May 18,19 No food, no surgery. Surgeon said sorry about the delay, “why don’t you go out for a burger and a beer” I did not, but I did have some juice and potatoes.

2019 May 20 Met Surgeon #2 and had the colon surgery. Ended up with a colostomy, he removed 20cm of the sigmoid colon. The colon was not perforated.

2019 May 21-25 Recovered from surgery. I ate no hospital food. Heather prepared my meals at a friends.

2019 May 26-Feb 6 Began a regular schedule or supplements. See Below for list

2019 June 1 Low weight of 146 pounds

2019 June 2 Started experimenting with cannabis. Oil mostly, started with CBD only. Ended up using 50/50 THC/CBD which I found useful with nausea associated with Chemo. 

2019 June 3 Video chat with a nutritionist. Recommended plant based diet including some meat.

2019 June 5 Port Instalation.

2019 June 12 Began Chemo, every two weeks. GIFFIRB. Fluoruacil, Folinic Acid (leucovorin), Irinotecan, Bevacizumab. 

Cancer markers. CEA 59 CA 19-9 310

Began Local Regional Hyperthermia, 2x per chemo treatment.

Began Miseltoe injection, 2x per chemo treatment.

Beginning of regular Vit-C IV 50g, 2x per week.

2019 Aug 19 CT scan. Showed that some lesions remained the same and some decreased by 50%, no new ones.

2019Aug 28 New weight low, 144 pounds.

2019 Oct 30 Still at 144 pounds

2019 Nov 3 Flew to Hawaii, began to eat legumes (slowly increasing) began to eat all veggies and also began to eat nuts, including avocados which were in season. Stopped eating all animal products.

2019Nov 12 Went to a small church in Kona who had a Faith Healer, David Yanez was speaking and he prayed for my healing.

2019 Nov 14 Last chemotherapy dose. 

Last Local Regional Hyperthermia.

Last Miseltoe injection.

2019 Nov 24-27 Bowel obstruction, hospitalized for 3 days. It cleared up once NG tube was inserted.

2019 Nov 27 Meeting with oncologist. He suggested I go onto maintenance chemo “until the cancer becomes more agressive” I told him I would not be having anymore chemo until some later date. 

2019 Nov 29 CT scan, most leisions shrunk, some stable.  

2019 Dec 18-30 Rash on arms and legs. Healing reaction?

2019 Dec 31 Got a hernia lifting a suitcase.

2020 Jan 7 PET scan partly for information to determine if I can have a liver resection. 

2020 Jan 10 Received report from Pet scan. No Evidence of Disease! Tumours on liver gone! Mild uptake of FDG in two lymph nodes, possible due to inflammation.

2020 Jan 13 Talked to liver surgeon. His words said that I didn’t need surgery because the lesions were no longer present. But his report said “With regards to him having extrahepatic disease, I have let him know it would not be a good idea to have a liver resection.”

2020 Jan 20 Meeting with oncologist, when we pressed him for a new diagnosis he said “you have No Evidence of Disease, but it is not eradicated.” He again told me that I should go on to maintenance chemo. I said not now thanks.

2020 Feb 2  Still having ongoing Vit-c Bi-monthly, supplements, plant based whole foods and no animal protein. Extremely limited processed foods. (flax oil, rye and a small amount of whole wheat.)

2020 Feb 6 Full body Hyperthermia

2020 Feb 13 Full body Hyperthermia

2020 March 9 Colonoscopy

2020 April 2 CT scan Whistler nothing significant

2020 April 21 Tumour markers start rising

2020 June 24 Colostomy reversal

2020 July tumour markers rising

2020 Aug 10 tumour markers still rising

2020 Aug 28 CT Scan nothing really there

2020 Sept talk to oncologist and naturopathic dr and decided to start chemo again. Full strength

2020 Sept 24 Start chemo and mirror with LRHT (Local Regional Hyper Thermia), Miseltoe and IV Vit-c

2020 Nov 27 CT scan

Recommended treatment from Naturopathic Dr.  

Supplement Chart

Books Ive read

Anti Cancer. Dr. Servan-Schreiber

The China Study. T. Colin Campbell

Chis Beat Cancer. Chris Wark

Eat Real To Heal. Nicolette Richer

Fighting Cancer. Gorter and Pepper

Healing the Gerson Way. Charlotte Gerson     

How Not to Die  Micheal Gregor

Radical Remission. Kelly Turner

The Rain Barrel Effect. Stephen Cabral

Walking with God through Pain and Suffering. Timothy Keller

How to Pray. C.S. Lewis

Movies Ive watched

Beyond Food

Biggest Little Farm

The Bleeding Edge

The C-Word


Crazy Sexy Cancer

Diet Fiction

Eating Animals

Fantastic Fungi

Fat Sick and Nearly Dead

Food Inc.


Hope (Hope for Planet Earth) youtube

Hungry for Change

The Game Changers

In Defence of Food

Kiss the Ground

Plant Pure Nation

Running for Food



Unsupersize me

Weed the People

What the Health


Chris Beat Cancer

Dr. John Cambell

Dr. Klapper

Eat Real to Heal

Food Matters

Rich Roll

Medicine and Health with DR. Paul

Nutrition Facts with Dr. Gregor

Nutrition Made Simple

We Have Cancer