Rockies Ice 2011 with Peter and Sue

December Ice With Andrew

Mt Colonel Foster

A guided traverse south to north of Vancouver Islands Mt Colonel Foster.

Some History


  • June, Mt Logan Kings Trench


  • May, Hubsew


  • October, China Alps, Da Shu Shan range, with Fred Becky, Jia Condon, John Chilton,  the late Steve Must, and Mark ??? from NZ


May, Lauchlan Ridge

June, Baffin Island


  • Jan, Naomi
  • April, Bella Coola filming with the late Gilles Voirol. See a tribute by Janci Hadik below
  • June, arrive in Chamonix
  • July, Mt Blanc
  • Aug, Zermatt, Grindelvald
  • Sept-Oct Greece, Kalymnos


  • July, Anna

Pemberton Young Life goes Alpine

Dave Treadway of Pemberton Young Life organized a three day ski touring trip to Cerise Creek in Feb 2010. School was out for the olympics. Time for some higher education with Rich.

Short break on the Vantage-Mattier Col
Breaking trail up the Joffre ridge
Full cabin, but warm and dry, good for lounging

Pemberton Young Life goes Alpine

Dave Treadway of Pemberton Young Life organized a three day ski touring trip to Cerise Creek in Feb 2010. School was out for the olympics. Time for some higher education with Rich.

Short break on the Vantage-Mattier Col
Breaking trail up the Joffre ridge
Full cabin, but warm and dry, good for lounging

Sucess on Canada’s Highest Summit, Mt Logan 5958m

In May of 2009 I led an expedition for Canada West Mountain School to Mt. Logan. We had a very patient crew who kept up their spirits for around 12 days until the weather cleared enough to let us fly onto the Quintino Sella glacier at an elevation of over 2000m.

The following videos are from Thomas. See also:

